About the Forecast Discussion
Area Forecast Discussions (AFDs) are available in Seasonality Go for locations within the United States. If an AFD is available for your location, you will see a “Discussion” button at the bottom of the forecast view. Tap to read it.
Forecast Discussions are posted at least twice a day by each of the 122 Weather Forecast Offices (WFO) in the National Weather Service. Typically, full discussions are posted once in the early morning hours and once in the afternoon. During periods where the weather is changing on an hour by hour basis, the WFO may post additional updates to the forecast discussion.
Forecast discussions are the best way to get a full rundown of the weather affecting your area. They are written by teams of meteorologists who have reviewed the current observations as well as the latest model data. After reviewing the data and considering trending changes, they use their knowledge of local climatology and topography to make a best guess of how weather will behave over the next week.
Forecast discussions are often written with technical terms. You can check the AFD glossary for terms you're not familiar with.